Exploring the dark side of life...Dave's world
I've always been fascinated with old houses, cemeteries, dark places, and history in general. Along with this has been a love of nature and appreciation of the extremes of weather. These interests are the basis for one of my passions in life, creating visual images that delve in to the darker side of life. It is thrilling for me to explore an old burial ground in the midst of a foggy, rainy day. Or wander about an abandoned farmstead in the dark of winter. I go to places most people don't go, or even want to go. I feed off of the energy these places exude, and let it guide my photography. I strive for photos that give you a sense for what it felt like to be in a particular place rather than a mere visual depiction. Photos with soul. Sometimes low key, soft and subtle. Other times jarring, high impact. Most of this activity takes place in fall and winter. After summer dies, and the days grow short. After the leaves fall and the landscape becomes colorless and bleak. That's when I thrive as an artist.
Summer months tend to find me photographing community events, fairs, public ceremonies, portraits, parades, and just about anywhere people gather. These photos tend to be bright, light and filled with vivid color. I guess it helps balance out the darkness and solitude of my winter mode.
In real life, I am a graphic designer and manage a commercial printing business.
Dave Dreimiller
You can see much more of my darker photography and read my rambling narratives on Flickr. Click the link below.