Auntie Em!

A turbulent weather day today. Intervals of bright May sunshine were punctuated by intense thunderstorms whipping up high winds, hail and torrential rain. Towards evening I happened to notice it seemed unusually dark for the hour. I looked outside to see the sky filled with ominous and menacing looking clouds. Worse yet, the sky appeared to be seething, the clouds moving about, forming and changing shape by the second. I grabbed the camera and headed out to capture the moment. I have experienced many, many storms in my day, and seen all sorts of dark storm clouds. But this sky surely had to rank in the top ten. There was a remarkable sense of texture in these clouds. I photographed the sky right from my front yard, and stayed with it until the rain began. As is often the case, the sky seemed to flatten out once the rain began and these clouds moved on.

Amazing texture!

Amazing texture!

This one was rolling and twisting; reminded me of belching smoke from an inferno.

This one was rolling and twisting; reminded me of belching smoke from an inferno.

This one appeared to be forming into a giant face!

This one appeared to be forming into a giant face!

The scene earlier in the day along Route 700 just south of Burton.

The scene earlier in the day along Route 700 just south of Burton.

David Dreimiller