Think I Broke the Camera!

Was graciously permitted access to the Pochedly greenhouses out on Vaughn Road to photograph flowers. I had stopped there a couple of weeks prior, but the plants were still just starting out. By the time I returned, the flowers were abundant and lush with vibrant color. I had never seen such color come from my camera and joked that I might have broken the image sensor. I have always loved greenhouses, the heat and humidity feels wonderful to me, and the oxygen rich atmosphere, and simply being surrounded by thousands of plants. It's a very positive energy source. As a photographer, I absolutely love the lighting inside the greenhouse. Sunlight filters through white plastic and offers an even, glare free light that is perfect for photography. I also use an off camera flash unit to fill in. any shadows. The results were spectacular. Thanks again to the Mike and family for letting me wander around with my camera.