Eye in the Sky
Pilot Tyson Snyder at the controls of the Robinson R44 helicopter that was buzzing over Summerfest this weekend, carrying sightseers for the bargain basement price of just $20 each. I caught up with Tyson during a lull from the air tours. He graciously showed me around the helicopter and explained the basic operation. And of course posed for a few photos. The helicopter is owned by Paratus Air and was brought in from its home base in Port Clinton.
UPDATE July 2018: I'm saddened to report a tragic epilogue to this post. I recently learned that Tyson and another man were killed in a helicopter crash in January 2018. They were inspecting power lines when the craft suddenly lost power. I saw a photo of the wreckage laying in a frozen farm field on a bleak winter day and thought back to this bright summer day when I met Tyson just a few months earlier. He was all smiles and and seemed unstoppable. Tyson was just 32 at the time of his death. I spoke with his sister Ashley yesterday. She had discovered these photos through a Google image search. I was so happy that she and the family were able to have this glimpse of Tyson, photos that they had never seen before.