Independence Day in Hiram!
Another Independence Day celebration came and went in the blink of an eye. The festivities in Hiram Ohio capture the essence of small town Americana. It’s a time for friends and neighbors to put aside work and daily concerns and just revel in the festive nature of the day. Kids decorate their bikes and themselves in patriotic themes Flags fly in the breeze. And in the normally quite streets people seem to be everywhere. I savor every moment of the atmosphere. Where are a few of the scenes I encountered as I wandered about with my camera, as well as some shots of the fireworks display the night before.
Chief Gregory announces prize winners at the conclusion of the bike rodeo.
Ground zero, the launch zone for the fireworks show.
Mayor Bertrand and outgoing Council President Tom Wadkins.
Mayor Bertrand addresses the crowd as the Grand parade prepares to step off.
Candy flies through mid-air en route to parade bystanders.
Ed Fratto Sweeney makes his iconic appearance, a parade highlight.
Chief Gregory was on hand with HPD officers to keep the celebration safe.
Willard Greenwood and Joe Leonard.
Fireworks reflected in a puddle of rain water.