Meeting Lincoln

As my stay at the encampment was nearing an end, I sensed someone standing off to my side while I was busy shooting a portrait of someone else. When I turned to see who was there I was stunned to see the spitting image of the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln watching over me. The effect was honestly overwhelming. He was very tall and dressed exactly as I imagined Lincoln would be, stovepipe hat, frock coat, the big bow tie, everything period correct. The gentleman that portrayed Lincoln had a very dignified manner and deliberate speaking style. He seemed perfectly suited for playing the role of the president. I think part of the sensation I experienced stemmed from thoughts of Lincoln that began in childhood. Seeing his picture on the wall of my elementary school classroom, alongside George Washington. Seeing his likeness on coins and the $5 bill, and countless President's Day promotions and furniture store & mattress sales. Learning of the Gettysburg address and the horrible physical toll that the war took on this man. And then the horror of the assassination. All of these stories combined to make the man larger the life. So there I was, once again at the perfect  place and time. He agreed to pose and I took a couple of photos with him looking straight into the lens. It occurred to me to ask him to look off over m shoulder, as if he was lost in thought. That was the take-home image.

Something I rarely do is make myself the subject of my own photos. But I was so taken with the moment I tossed my phone to someone and asked them to take a photo of me and the President. I wasn't about to let this moment pass without a selfie of me …

Something I rarely do is make myself the subject of my own photos. But I was so taken with the moment I tossed my phone to someone and asked them to take a photo of me and the President. I wasn't about to let this moment pass without a selfie of me and Abe!