Tractors Everywhere!

Garrettsville was overrun with tractors of all sorts for the annual factor parade. At one point the line seemed to stretch on for well over a mile. I photographed activity at the staging ground, then made my way along the parade route, passing thousands of people along the way. Wonderful small town atmosphere. Thanks to everyone that participated, and especially those that posed for me!

They had custom t-shirts printed up for the event and most everyone was wearing g them.

They had custom t-shirts printed up for the event and most everyone was wearing g them.

Parade watchers beneath a large shade tree on Route 88.

Parade watchers beneath a large shade tree on Route 88.

Patriotic trailer carries Sam Bixler and grandsons.

Patriotic trailer carries Sam Bixler and grandsons.

A family watches the parade as it approaches Main Street. Crowds were thickest right near the intersection.

A family watches the parade as it approaches Main Street. Crowds were thickest right near the intersection.

When the signal was given to start the parade, Officer Keith When pulled his cruiser out into the middle of Route 88 to stop traffic. This lucky couple on a Harley Davidson just happened to be the first vehicle to pull up behind the cruiser, and so …

When the signal was given to start the parade, Officer Keith When pulled his cruiser out into the middle of Route 88 to stop traffic. This lucky couple on a Harley Davidson just happened to be the first vehicle to pull up behind the cruiser, and so had the maximum wait time. They were not the least bit upset. They told me it was a beautiful day to stop and hang out for a while. And it was indeed quite a while before they got moving again.

Another parade watcher along Route 88.

Another parade watcher along Route 88.

Brilliant color on this custom painted trailer.

Brilliant color on this custom painted trailer.

Hands-down winner of the largest hat of the day award went to this guy.

Hands-down winner of the largest hat of the day award went to this guy.

Members of the Howler Monkeys crew await. the parade launch.

Members of the Howler Monkeys crew await. the parade launch.

Quite a bit of crossover at the parade between patriotic themes and country-western.

Quite a bit of crossover at the parade between patriotic themes and country-western.

Monstrous combine looms over this family as they wait too climb aboard. The largest tracts always bring up the end of the parade, sort of the grand finale.

Monstrous combine looms over this family as they wait too climb aboard. The largest tracts always bring up the end of the parade, sort of the grand finale.

Weekly Villager correspondent and part time parade announcer Iva Walker hails a passing tractor in the midst of the parade. Iva brings great enthusiasm and a wonderful sense of humor to the proceedings. No matter where I am in the parade, I always m…

Weekly Villager correspondent and part time parade announcer Iva Walker hails a passing tractor in the midst of the parade. Iva brings great enthusiasm and a wonderful sense of humor to the proceedings. No matter where I am in the parade, I always make my way to her position to hear some of her delivery. Wouldn't be Summerfest without Iva!