Civil War Encampment: Addendum
There’s only so many photos I can post to a single blog before it becomes too ponderous to load. Also my host Squarepace advises that beyond a certain size lift, web pages basically become invisible to search engines, or are very poorly ranked. In the case of the Civil War encampment in Burton, there are simply too many photos to confine to a single post, or even two. So I’m adding this third page as a sort of wrap-up. There’s no particular theme here. Just photos that convey a good sense for the event along with some of the scenes I found along the way. Some of these shots are straight out of the camera which is to say there was little or no post production work in Photoshop. Others, particularly the troop movements through the village, involved meticulous editing to clean up background and eliminate distracting background elements (spectators in modern clothing, trash cans, and the inevitable Porta A Potty). It’s best to exclude these details in the first place, but nearly impossible to do so once the troops are on the march or as skirmishes developed. Once again I wish to thank one and all for posing and generally putting up with me as I darted about to get these images!
Written by Dave Dreimiller